About Our Trials
The majority of our trials are held on a Saturday afternoon and normally consist of 6 laps of 8 sections.
Each section will be marked with different colours flags denoting the route for different abilities. Remember our club motto “Keep Going!”
- Beginners Route is marked out in Yellow
- Novice Route is marked out in Red
- Support Route is marked out in White
We advise that you stay in the Beginner’s class for 12 to 18 months and the same for the Novice class before moving into the Support class or clubs that cater for experts. Beginners riding the YELLOW route can have outside assistance and can ride some of the RED route if they feel confident.
Novice competitors ride the RED route but can ride some of the WHITE route if they feel confident.
Support rides the WHITE route.
Signing on
Each competitor must be signed on before a trial. When you sign on you will be asked to complete an Entry Form. A Parent/Guardian must sign this.
The trial is marked using the 1,2,3,5 system, one point for a single foot down, two points for two feet down, three points for footing all through an observed section and a loss of five points for failing to complete the section (Beginners can receive outside assistance).
If you feel unable to complete a section inform the observer and will give you an automatic 5. You can then go on to ride a section you feel more comfortable with.
The rider with the least points will win the trial.
Trials Etiquette
- When riding between sections do not ride faster than you can walk.
- Only ride one way around the course.
- Please thank the observer on your last lap. They have given up their time to enable you to ride. A simple thank you goes a long way.
Club Championships
We run x championships, The x Sheild…..
Championship scoring system is as follows
1st = 25 points
2nd = 20 points
3rd = 18 points
4th = 16 points
5th = 15 points
6th = 14 points
7th = 13 points
8th = 12 points
9th = 11 points
10th = 10 points
11th = 9 points
12th = 8 points
13th = 7 points
Down to 1 point
- Equal scores get equal points
- All points count for awards
- Beginners, Novice complete five trials and receive a Finishers award
- Tied scores are awarded to the youngest rider and then the smallest cc or electric
- You can win both the Beginners and Novice shields but only once
General Pointers
Do not expect too much too soon. Not every section has to be cleaned and you will be amazed at the satisfaction you get from finishing your first trial.
Remember, this is YOUR club and any help you can give, in any form, is always welcome.
Last but not least, check your bike after each trial and before the next one. Simple maintenance not only extends the life of your bike and helps reliability, but there is nothing worse than not being able to ride because the bike will not run.
Enjoy it and Keep going!
Kindly Supported by